This Moment

I love reading all the year end reviews of blogs and email newsletters. And I do have to say that 2015 had some wonderful, even epic events, for me. But as I walk about in the glistening snow, listening to the wind rustling in the Cedars I am very much in the moment. I took this photo of my husband earlier today IMG_4748 and that shot pretty much sums up how I’m feeling right now. Calm, thoughtful, grateful for all that we have and all that this last year has brought us. Tonight we will work hard, but happily so, with our wonderful staff and customers to ring in this next year.

There were some terrible parts in 2015 that make my heart break. I can only be hopeful for the world moving forward. And I’m excited to see what’s in store for 2016. In 2015 the word of the year was “Build“. And boy was that appropriate for a year that included education, travel, beautiful and sad times with family and a wedding. I’ve learned so much from Herbal teachers and friends, we renewed friendships and made more this year and of course my favorite moment was adding a daughter-in-law to our family. Seeing those two kids (no matter the age they will always be kids to me) stand in the exact spot that my husband and I stood 26 years before to exchange vows was so beautiful! for 2016 I see the word will be “Flow” as in flowing through whatever might appear next. I’ll be adding new lines to the Etsy shop, beginning a new podcast, we’ll be adding brunch to Gino’s beginning next weekend, in February the restaurant turns 20!, by summer the Chicken Coop Botanicals studio will be finished. That is a lot. And I know from experience that each of these activities and events will take on a life of its own. Who knows what else the year will bring. It’s so much more fun to be in the moment and let things flow.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year! Enjoy this evening, stay in the moment with gratitude and thoughtfulness for that is what this world and each of our communities need as we flow through to this next year.


About debaccuardi

I'm a cook, a gardener, an herbalist, a shepherd, a knitter, a spinner, a teacher.
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