Summer Dyeing and it feels so good

20140721-104643-38803737.jpgOkay, yes I was the original audience (13yr old girl) for the summer the movie Grease came out. And yes, those songs will be stuck in my head forever. haha

Oh blog, you are wondering where I’ve been? Well sometimes it behooves one to just live life without sharing more than photos on Instagram.

Instagram I enjoy adding photos there as I can send them along to Facebook or Twitter. And sometimes that is all I have the energy to do. Over the last 8 months life has been busy, stressful and then after some brain healing time I have been fully in the garden (hence the title) this summer. I have really gone back to my beginning interests in gardening–my herbs. I love growing absolutely every vegetable, flower and useful plant I can here on my bit of Mt. Hood. However, if I could only grow one family of plant it would be herbs! I grow culinary and medicinal. This year I have the time to make herbal teas, tinctures and syrups from my mature herbs. I’ve been making flower essences as well (something I’ve been interested in for a while). In addition I am sample dyeing yarn with just about every herb around our property.20140721-102306-37386653.jpg 20140721-102305-37385567.jpg

I am teaching a Plant dyeing class at Winslow Forest Farm in August (there are still spots available).  It has me energized to see what colors I can get from every plant on my property. It’s fun to sample dye, keep a dyer’s journal and plan for future sweaters and sewn skirts (yep, I’ve fallen down the sewing rabbit hole). In fact I’m really interested in the art of traditional Japanese Indigo dyeing. Next year there are plans for a big patch of Indigo in a new garden spot next to my new (old and reclaimed) greenhouse. I am in a stage of life where I am playing while I figure out what’s next. I love this stage! It won’t last, but I am going to enjoy it immensely.

I have been writing quite a lot as well. Mostly for myself, but I feel like it’s time to write a bit for you as well. Thank you Cynthia Morris! and the Free Write Fling for helping me find a new voice. Cynthia is a great guide to help you play in life as well as figure out what you want to say with your writing and other creative endeavors. The next Fling begins August 1. Come write with us. The community is great and very diverse.

I’ve been finding some very interesting blogs and websites lately as well. Here are a couple I keep returning to for inspiration on living and creating– Cold Antler Farm ( loved her last book!), Rowland and Chinami Ricketts .


About debaccuardi

I'm a cook, a gardener, an herbalist, a shepherd, a knitter, a spinner, a teacher.
This entry was posted in 52 weeks of happy, Herbal, In the garden, Natural Dyeing. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Summer Dyeing and it feels so good

  1. Thanks for the shout out, Deb! I am so happy to know that you are writing and that I have played a happy part in that. I am looking forward to writing in August with you!

  2. Pingback: The impatient Herbalist | Chicken Coop Botanicals

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